Refreshing Smell Of Eucalyptus
Hang on! Not You,
Eucalyptus Bunch Rather.
Hang on a bunch of eucalyptus in shower to reap all the therapeutic properties. It’s another super simple and inexpensive way to bring a little zen into your shower life. When you’re in the shower with a bushel of eucalyptus you’ll be giving yourself a spa like experience.It decreases the. activity of your sympathetic nervous system — your stress response system — and increases the activity of your parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation.
How To Hang Eucalyptus In Shower
- Remove the leaves from the bottom of 7-10 eucalyptus branches to make them easier to hang.
- Use a rolling pin or hammer to gently press on the leaves to release their oils and produce a stronger scent.
- Tie the eucalyptus into a bouquet and hang it up under your shower head, keeping it out of the stream of water.
- Shower as normal and replace them once scent is completely gone.
- Eucalyptus can also be styled in vase to make empty corners look gorgeous. They are well preserved and rarely requires maintenance.
To make them last long add 2-3 sachet of silica gel in vase and avoid from sunlight.
Voila !